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Inhibition Model Notebook

This notebook run the simulations reported in the paper, saves the results in a folder, and then plot the results to re-create the figures from the section “Contralateral glycinergic inhibition as a key factor in creating ITD sensitivity” of the paper.


We tested the notebook with

  • Python version 3.12.3
  • NEST version 3.7
  • and other standard libraries (numpy, matplotlib, scipy, tqdm, etc.)

To install NEST version 3.7 you can follow instructions here. In Unix you can use conda and e.g., simply run

conda create --name nest_3_7_0 -c conda-forge nest-simulator=3.7.0=*

to create a new environment called nest_3_7_0 with installed the correct version of NEST.

We tested the network on a virtual machine with 16 CPUs and 16 GB of RAM. It takes

import nest

              -- N E S T --
  Copyright (C) 2004 The NEST Initiative

 Version: 3.7.0
 Built: May 24 2024 10:11:53

 This program is provided AS IS and comes with
 NO WARRANTY. See the file LICENSE for details.

 Problems or suggestions?

 Type '' to find out more about NEST.

import numpy as np
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.stats as stats
from matplotlib import rcParams 
import os.path
import scipy as scp
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
import time
import os
from tqdm import tqdm
folder_name = 'inh_model_results/' # saving results to a folder
save = 1 # flag for saving results: 0 = off, 1 = save in folder: folder_name
N_CPU = 16  # Set according to the number of CPUs available in your machine
if save:



creates an entire spectrogram of time_sim length and 3500 frequency channels (same number as human IHCs population) the implemented spectrogram will present only a pure tone sound, stationary for the entire time_sim if gauss_on = 1, 21 channels will be activated (by setting a non-zero amplitude value), centred on the channel corresponding to the pure tone (channel_x) if gauss_on = 0, only channel_x will be activated with amplitude = 1

def create_spectro(tone):
    channel_x = np.where(freq>=tone)[0][0]
    spectro = np.zeros((3500,time_sim))
    amplitudes = np.round(stats.norm.pdf(np.linspace(-1, 1, 21) , 0, 1.0/(math.sqrt(2*math.pi)*1)),2) #gaussian profile of amplitudes, with peak_amplitude = 1 for channel_x
        if(channel_x<10): #truncation of the gaussian profile of amplitudes
            spectro[channel_x:channel_x+10+1,:] = amplitudes[10:].reshape(11,1)*np.ones((11, time_sim))
            spectro[0:channel_x+1, :] = amplitudes[10-channel_x:11].reshape(channel_x+1,1)*np.ones((channel_x+1, time_sim))
            if(channel_x>3489): #truncation of the gaussian profile of amplitudes
                spectro[channel_x-10:channel_x+1] = amplitudes[:11].reshape(11,1)*np.ones((11, time_sim))
                spectro[channel_x:] = amplitudes[10:10+3500-channel_x].reshape(3500-channel_x,1)*np.ones((3500-channel_x, time_sim))
                spectro[channel_x - 10 : channel_x + 10 + 1, :] = amplitudes.reshape(21,1)*np.ones((21, time_sim))
        spectro[channel_x, :] = np.ones(time_sim)
    return spectro

computes the functions that return an ILD value according to an azimuth angle, by interpolating “ild_values”, if PPG device are chosen

def compute_ild_functions_ppg():
    x_values = np.array([-90,0,90])

        y_values = ild_values
        y_values =  np.repeat(ild_values[1],3)

    r_function = interp1d(x_values, y_values, kind='linear')
    l_function = interp1d(x_values[::-1], y_values, kind='linear')
    """fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
    ax.set_xlabel("Angles [°]")
    ax.set_ylabel("Spikes per Period")

    x = np.linspace(-90,90,181)
    ax.plot(x, r_function(x),  color = 'darkgreen', label = "Right Amplitude")
    ax.plot(x, l_function(x),  color = 'darkmagenta', label = "Left Amplitude")
    ax.axhline(y = ild_values[1], xmin = 0.05, xmax = 0.95, color = 'r', label = "Mean Rate")

computes the functions that return an ILD value according to an azimuth angle, by interpolating “ild_rates”, if SPG device are chosen

def compute_ild_functions_spg():
    x_values = np.array([-90,0,90])

        y_values = ild_rates
        y_values = np.repeat(ild_rates[1],3)

    def expfunc(x, a, b, c):
        return a + (b * np.exp(c * x))

    r_params, p_cov = scp.optimize.curve_fit(expfunc, x_values, ild_rates, bounds = ([-np.inf, 0, 0], [np.inf, np.inf, np.inf]))
    l_params, p_cov = scp.optimize.curve_fit(expfunc, x_values, ild_rates[::-1], bounds = ([-np.inf, -np.inf, -np.inf], [np.inf, np.inf, np.inf]))
    """fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
    ax.set_xlabel("Angles [°]")
    ax.set_ylabel("Firing Rate [Hz]")
    x = np.linspace(-90,90,181)
    ax.plot(x, expfunc(x, *r_params),  color = 'darkgreen', label = "Right Amplitude")
    ax.plot(x,expfunc(x, *l_params), color = 'darkmagenta', label = "Left Amplitude")
    ax.axhline(y = ild_rates[1], xmin = 0.05, xmax = 0.95, color = 'r', label = "Mean Rate")

    return r_params,l_params

computes the value of ITD in milliseconds given the azimuth angle

def compute_itd(angle):
    delta_x = (w_head*np.sin(np.deg2rad(angle)))
    itd = 1000*delta_x/v_sound #ms
    itd = np.round(itd,2) #only for spike_generators
    return itd
ppg_set_up(spectro, ms)

sets up the Pulse Packet Generators (PPGs) according to the spectrogram, the ITD and the ILD functions

def ppg_set_up(spectro, ms):
    for r in range(0, len(spectro)-1):
        if spectro[r][ms] > 0:
            r_ANFs_amp[10*r:10*(r+1)].set(pulse_times = np.around(np.arange(1, time_sim+1, 1000/freq[r]),2))
            l_ANFs_amp[10*r:10*(r+1)].set(pulse_times = np.around(np.arange(1+itd, time_sim+itd+1, 1000/freq[r]),2))
            """print(freq[r], "Hz")
            print(ms, "ms")
            print(np.around(np.arange(1, time_sim+1, 1000/freq[r]),2))
            print(np.around(np.arange(1+itd, time_sim+itd+1, 1000/freq[r]),2))"""
            if ms in np.around(np.arange(0, time_sim, 1000/freq[r]), 0):
                r_ANFs_amp[10*r:10*(r+1)].set(activity = int(spectro[r][ms]*r_function(angle)))
                l_ANFs_amp[10*r:10*(r+1)].set(activity = int(spectro[r][ms]*l_function(angle)))
                print(int(spectro[r][ms]*r_num_spikes(angle)), "right activity")
                print(int(spectro[r][ms]*l_num_spikes(angle)), "left activity")
            #ANF_noise to parrots
            nest.Connect(ANFs_noise, r_ANFs[10*r:10*(r+1)], 'all_to_all')
            nest.Connect(ANFs_noise, l_ANFs[10*r:10*(r+1)], 'all_to_all')
spg_set_up(spectro, ms)

sets up the Sinusoidal Poisson Generators (SPGs) according to the spectrogram, the ITD and the ILD functions

def spg_set_up(spectro, ms):
    def expfunc(x, a, b, c):
        return a + (b * np.exp(c * x))

    for r in range(0, len(spectro)-1):
        if spectro[r][ms] > 0:
            r_ANFs_amp[10*r:10*(r+1)].set(rate = ild_rates[1])
            l_ANFs_amp[10*r:10*(r+1)].set(rate = ild_rates[1])
            r_ANFs_amp[10*r:10*(r+1)].set(amplitude = spectro[r][ms]*expfunc(angle, *r_params))
            l_ANFs_amp[10*r:10*(r+1)].set(amplitude = spectro[r][ms]*expfunc(angle, *l_params))

            nest.Connect(ANFs_noise, r_ANFs[10*r:10*(r+1)], 'all_to_all')
            nest.Connect(ANFs_noise, l_ANFs[10*r:10*(r+1)], 'all_to_all')

Network Variables

General Variables

tones = [100] # [Hz], sound frequency of the pure tones tested
angles = np.arange(-90,100,15) #[°], range of azimuth angles
time_sim = 1000 #[ms]
w_head = 22 #[cm]
v_sound = 33000 #[cm/s]

ANF_device = 'PPG' #PulsePacket Generator vs Sinsoidal Poisson Generator 'SPG'
ild_on = 1 #[flag] for simulation with ILDs or only with ITDs in input
gauss_on = 1 #[flag] for pure tones stimulation, inclusion of lateral freqeuncy channels (i.e, for 100 Hz pure tones, we activate 21 channels with characteristic frequency between 99 and 101 Hz, centred in 100 Hz)

ild_values = [10,50,100] #[nr. of spikes], num of spikes for each pulse packet (PPG parameter)
sdev = 0.1 #[ms] Standard Deviation in PPG spikes for each pulse-packet (PPG parameter)
ild_rates = [100,125,300] #[Hz], rates for SPG
noise_rate = 0 # [Hz], valid for both types

Neuronal Populations Variables

#Single cells
V_m = -70 #mV
V_reset = -70 #mV
c_scb = 1
c_gcb = 1
c_mso = 1
c_lso = 1 #pF

#MSO cells
delays_mso = [1,1.3,1,0.45,0.44] #ms

mso_neurons = [1,2,3,4]
taus_mat =  [[0.2, 0.1, 0.2, 0.01],
              [0.2, 0.1, 0.5, 0.1],
             [0.2, 0.1, 0.75, 0.14],
            [0.2, 0.1, 1.2, 0.18]]
#taus90 [0.2, 0.1, 1.2, 0.18] # #taus50: [0.2, 0.1, 0.75, 0.14] #taus30: [0.2, 0.1, 0.5, 0.1] , #taus15: [0.2, 0.1, 0.2, 0.01]

#Synaptic Weights
ANFs2SBCs_weight = 16
ANFs2GBCs_weight = 8
GBCs2MNTBCs_weight = 16.0
MNTBCs2LSO_weight = -2.0 
SBCs2LSO_weight = 8
SBCs2MSO_weight = 1
SBCs2MSO_inh_weight = [0,-30]
MNTBCs2MSO_weights = [0,-30]

n_battery = len(MNTBCs2MSO_weights)  #implementation of 2 MSOs for each hemisphere, one with inhibitory inputs blocked

n_IHCs = 3500
freq = np.round(np.logspace(np.log(20),np.log(20000), num = n_IHCs, base = np.exp(1)),2) #cochlea array of frequencies
n_ANFs = int(n_IHCs*10)
ANFs2SBCs = 4
ANFs2GBCs = 20
SBCs2MSOs = int(ANFs2GBCs/ANFs2SBCs)
SBCs2LSOs = int(ANFs2GBCs/ANFs2SBCs)
n_SBCs = int(n_ANFs/ANFs2SBCs)
n_GBCs = int(n_ANFs/ANFs2GBCs) #same of MNTB PCs and LSO PCs
n_MSOs = n_GBCs*n_battery #implementation of 2 MSOs for each hemisphere, one with inhibitory inputs blocked

Network Simulation

start_time = time.time()

for tone in tones:
    spectro = create_spectro(tone) #single tone
    if(ANF_device == 'PPG'): #ILD functions depend on the ANF's model device chosen, they allow to compute the levels of ANFs firing rate used afterwards
        r_function, l_function = compute_ild_functions_ppg()
        r_params, l_params = compute_ild_functions_spg()
    results_r_MSO = np.zeros((n_battery, len(angles)))
    results_l_MSO = np.zeros((n_battery, len(angles)))

    results_r_LSO = np.zeros(len(angles))
    results_l_LSO = np.zeros(len(angles))
    for t in tqdm(range(len(taus_mat))):
        taus = taus_mat[t]
        mso_neuron_id = mso_neurons[t]
        for angle in tqdm(angles):

            nest.set_verbosity('M_ERROR')  # Suppress output for each simulation
            nest.local_num_threads = N_CPU
            nest.resolution = 0.01 # 10 us = minimum audible angle (MAA) increment of 1.25°

            itd = compute_itd(angle)

            if(ANF_device == 'PPG'):
                r_ANFs_amp = nest.Create("pulsepacket_generator", n_ANFs, 
                                         params={"stop": time_sim, 'sdev': sdev})
                l_ANFs_amp = nest.Create("pulsepacket_generator", n_ANFs, 
                                         params={"stop": time_sim, 'sdev': sdev})
            if(ANF_device == 'SPG'):
                ipds = 2*np.pi*itd*freq/1000

                r_ANFs_amp = nest.Create('sinusoidal_poisson_generator',n_ANFs,
                                        params={'frequency': np.repeat(freq, 10),'phase': np.repeat(np.rad2deg(ipds),10)}) #ITDs
                l_ANFs_amp = nest.Create('sinusoidal_poisson_generator',n_ANFs,
                                        params={'frequency': np.repeat(freq, 10),'phase': 0})

            ANFs_noise = nest.Create('poisson_generator',1,
                                     params = {'rate':noise_rate})

            r_ANFs = nest.Create('parrot_neuron', n_ANFs)
            l_ANFs = nest.Create('parrot_neuron', n_ANFs)

            r_SBCs = nest.Create('iaf_cond_alpha', n_SBCs, 
                             params = {'C_m': c_scb, 'V_reset': V_reset})
            l_SBCs = nest.Create('iaf_cond_alpha', n_SBCs, 
                             params = {'C_m': c_scb, 'V_reset': V_reset})

            r_GBCs = nest.Create('iaf_cond_alpha', n_GBCs, 
                             params = {'C_m': c_gcb, 'V_reset': V_reset})
            l_GBCs = nest.Create('iaf_cond_alpha', n_GBCs, 
                             params = {'C_m': c_gcb, 'V_reset': V_reset})

            r_MNTBCs = nest.Create('iaf_cond_alpha', n_GBCs, 
                             params = {'C_m': c_gcb, 'V_reset': V_reset})
            l_MNTBCs = nest.Create('iaf_cond_alpha', n_GBCs, 
                             params = {'C_m': c_gcb, 'V_reset': V_reset})

            r_MSO = nest.Create('iaf_cond_beta', n_MSOs, 
                             params = {'C_m': c_mso, 'tau_rise_ex' : taus[0], 'tau_rise_in' : taus[1], 'tau_decay_ex' : taus[2], 'tau_decay_in' : taus[3], 'V_reset': V_reset})
            l_MSO = nest.Create('iaf_cond_beta', n_MSOs, 
                             params = {'C_m': c_mso, 'tau_rise_ex' : taus[0], 'tau_rise_in' : taus[1], 'tau_decay_ex' : taus[2], 'tau_decay_in' : taus[3], 'V_reset': V_reset})

            r_LSO = nest.Create('iaf_cond_alpha', n_GBCs, 
                             params = {'C_m': c_lso, 'V_reset': V_reset})
            l_LSO = nest.Create('iaf_cond_alpha', n_GBCs, 
                             params = {'C_m': c_lso, 'V_m': V_m, 'V_reset': V_reset})

            s_rec_r = nest.Create('spike_recorder')
            s_rec_l = nest.Create('spike_recorder')

            #Devices Connections
            nest.Connect(r_ANFs, s_rec_r, 'all_to_all')
            nest.Connect(l_ANFs, s_rec_l, 'all_to_all')

            nest.Connect(r_SBCs, s_rec_r, 'all_to_all')
            nest.Connect(l_SBCs, s_rec_l, 'all_to_all')

            nest.Connect(r_GBCs, s_rec_r, 'all_to_all')
            nest.Connect(l_GBCs, s_rec_l, 'all_to_all')

            nest.Connect(r_MNTBCs, s_rec_r, 'all_to_all')
            nest.Connect(l_MNTBCs, s_rec_l, 'all_to_all')

            nest.Connect(r_MSO, s_rec_r, 'all_to_all')
            nest.Connect(l_MSO, s_rec_l, 'all_to_all')

            nest.Connect(r_LSO, s_rec_r, 'all_to_all')
            nest.Connect(l_LSO, s_rec_l, 'all_to_all')

            nest.Connect(r_ANFs_amp, r_ANFs, 'one_to_one')
            nest.Connect(l_ANFs_amp, l_ANFs, 'one_to_one')

            #ANF_parrots to SBCs
            for i in range(n_SBCs):
                nest.Connect(r_ANFs[ANFs2SBCs*i:ANFs2SBCs*(i+1)], r_SBCs[i], 'all_to_all', syn_spec = {"weight":ANFs2SBCs_weight})
                nest.Connect(l_ANFs[ANFs2SBCs*i:ANFs2SBCs*(i+1)], l_SBCs[i], 'all_to_all', syn_spec = {"weight":ANFs2SBCs_weight})

            #ANF_parrots to GBCs
            for i in range(n_GBCs):
                nest.Connect(r_ANFs[ANFs2GBCs*i:ANFs2GBCs*(i+1)], r_GBCs[i], 'all_to_all', syn_spec = {"weight":ANFs2GBCs_weight})
                nest.Connect(l_ANFs[ANFs2GBCs*i:ANFs2GBCs*(i+1)], l_GBCs[i], 'all_to_all', syn_spec = {"weight":ANFs2GBCs_weight})

            #GBCs to MNTBCs
            nest.Connect(r_GBCs, r_MNTBCs, 'one_to_one', syn_spec = {"weight":GBCs2MNTBCs_weight, "delay": delays_mso[3]})
            nest.Connect(l_GBCs, l_MNTBCs, 'one_to_one', syn_spec = {"weight":GBCs2MNTBCs_weight, "delay": delays_mso[3]})

            for i in range(n_GBCs):
                for j in range(n_battery):

                #Right MSO
                    #From SBCs (excitation):
                    nest.Connect(r_SBCs[SBCs2MSOs*i:SBCs2MSOs*(i+1)], r_MSO[i*n_battery+j], 'all_to_all', syn_spec = {"weight":SBCs2MSO_weight, "delay": delays_mso[0]}) #ipsilateral
                    nest.Connect(l_SBCs[SBCs2MSOs*i:SBCs2MSOs*(i+1)], r_MSO[i*n_battery+j], 'all_to_all', syn_spec = {"weight":SBCs2MSO_weight, "delay": delays_mso[2]}) #contralateral
                    #From LNTBCs (inhibition)
                    nest.Connect(r_SBCs[SBCs2MSOs*i:SBCs2MSOs*(i+1)], r_MSO[i*n_battery+j], 'all_to_all', syn_spec = {"weight":SBCs2MSO_inh_weight[j], "delay": delays_mso[1]}) #ipsilateral
                    #From MNTBCs (inhibition)
                    nest.Connect(l_MNTBCs[i], r_MSO[i*n_battery+j], 'all_to_all', syn_spec = {"weight":MNTBCs2MSO_weights[j], "delay": delays_mso[4]}) #contralateral

                #Left MSO
                    #From SBCs (excitation):
                    nest.Connect(l_SBCs[SBCs2MSOs*i:SBCs2MSOs*(i+1)], l_MSO[i*n_battery+j], 'all_to_all', syn_spec = {"weight":SBCs2MSO_weight, "delay": delays_mso[0]}) #ipsilateral
                    nest.Connect(r_SBCs[SBCs2MSOs*i:SBCs2MSOs*(i+1)], l_MSO[i*n_battery+j], 'all_to_all', syn_spec = {"weight":SBCs2MSO_weight, "delay": delays_mso[2]}) #contralateral
                    #From LNTBCs (inhibition)
                    nest.Connect(l_SBCs[SBCs2MSOs*i:SBCs2MSOs*(i+1)], l_MSO[i*n_battery+j], 'all_to_all', syn_spec = {"weight":SBCs2MSO_inh_weight[j], "delay": delays_mso[1]}) #ipsilateral
                    #From MNTBCs (inhibition)
                    nest.Connect(r_MNTBCs[i], l_MSO[i*n_battery+j], 'all_to_all', syn_spec = {"weight":MNTBCs2MSO_weights[j], "delay": delays_mso[4]}) #contralateral

            for i in range(0, n_GBCs):
                nest.Connect(r_SBCs[SBCs2LSOs*i:SBCs2LSOs*(i+1)], r_LSO[i], 'all_to_all', syn_spec = {"weight":SBCs2LSO_weight})
                nest.Connect(l_SBCs[SBCs2LSOs*i:SBCs2LSOs*(i+1)], l_LSO[i], 'all_to_all', syn_spec = {"weight":SBCs2LSO_weight})   

            nest.Connect(r_MNTBCs, l_LSO, 'one_to_one', syn_spec = {"weight":MNTBCs2LSO_weight})
            nest.Connect(l_MNTBCs, r_LSO, 'one_to_one', syn_spec = {"weight":MNTBCs2LSO_weight})

            #Actual Simulation
            for i in range(time_sim):
                if(ANF_device == 'PPG'):
                if(ANF_device == 'SPG'):

            #Data Collection
            data_r = s_rec_r.get('events')
            data_l = s_rec_l.get('events')

            id_r_ANF1 = r_ANFs[0].get('global_id')
            id_r_SBC1 = r_SBCs[0].get('global_id')
            id_r_GBC1 = r_GBCs[0].get('global_id')
            id_r_MNTBC1 = r_MNTBCs[0].get('global_id')
            id_r_MSO1 = r_MSO[0].get('global_id')
            id_r_LSO1 = r_LSO[0].get('global_id')

            id_l_ANF1 = l_ANFs[0].get('global_id')
            id_l_SBC1 = l_SBCs[0].get('global_id')
            id_l_GBC1 = l_GBCs[0].get('global_id')
            id_l_MNTBC1 = l_MNTBCs[0].get('global_id')
            id_l_MSO1 = l_MSO[0].get('global_id')
            id_l_LSO1 = l_LSO[0].get('global_id')

            rate_r_lso = len(data_r['times'][np.where(data_r['senders']>=id_r_LSO1)])
            rate_l_lso = len(data_l['times'][np.where(data_l['senders']>=id_l_LSO1)])
            ac_r_lso = np.unique(data_r['senders'][np.where((data_r['senders']>=id_r_LSO1))]) #active cells
            ac_l_lso = np.unique(data_l['senders'][np.where((data_l['senders']>=id_l_LSO1))]) #active cells
            n_ac_r_lso = len(ac_r_lso) #number of active cells
            n_ac_l_lso = len(ac_l_lso) #number of active cells

            rate_r_mso = np.zeros(n_battery)
            rate_l_mso = np.zeros(n_battery)
            ac_r_mso = np.zeros((int(n_MSOs/n_battery),n_battery))
            ac_l_mso = np.zeros((int(n_MSOs/n_battery),n_battery))
            n_ac_r_mso = np.zeros(n_battery)
            n_ac_l_mso = np.zeros(n_battery)

            for i in range(int(n_MSOs/n_battery)): #n of batteries
                for j in range(n_battery): # neurons for battery
                    if(id_r_MSO1+n_battery*i+j in data_r['senders']):
                        rate_r_mso[j] += (np.unique(data_r['senders'][np.where(data_r['senders'] == id_r_MSO1+n_battery*i+j)], return_counts= True)[1][0])
                        ac_r_mso[i,j] = id_r_MSO1 + i*n_battery + j #active cells
                        n_ac_r_mso[j] += 1 #number of active cells
                        rate_r_mso[j] += 0
                    if(id_l_MSO1+n_battery*i+j in data_l['senders']):
                        rate_l_mso[j] += (np.unique(data_l['senders'][np.where(data_l['senders'] == id_l_MSO1+n_battery*i+j)], return_counts= True)[1][0])
                        ac_l_mso[i,j] = id_l_MSO1 + i*n_battery + j #active cells
                        n_ac_l_mso[j] += 1 #number of active cells
                        rate_l_mso[j] += 0  
            #averaging on total number of active cells --> result: averege rate of the population            
            if((n_ac_r_mso[0] != 0) & (n_ac_l_mso[0] != 0) & (n_ac_r_mso[1] != 0) & (n_ac_l_mso[1] != 0) & (n_ac_r_lso != 0) & (n_ac_l_lso != 0)):   
                results_r_MSO[0, np.where(np.asarray(angles) == angle)[0][0]] = rate_r_mso[0]/n_ac_r_mso[0]
                results_l_MSO[0, np.where(np.asarray(angles) == angle)[0][0]] = rate_l_mso[0]/n_ac_l_mso[0]
                results_r_MSO[1, np.where(np.asarray(angles) == angle)[0][0]] = rate_r_mso[1]/n_ac_r_mso[1]
                results_l_MSO[1, np.where(np.asarray(angles) == angle)[0][0]] = rate_l_mso[1]/n_ac_l_mso[1]
                results_r_LSO[np.where(np.asarray(angles) == angle)[0][0]] = rate_r_lso/n_ac_r_lso
                results_l_LSO[np.where(np.asarray(angles) == angle)[0][0]] = rate_l_lso/n_ac_l_lso
                results_r_MSO[0, np.where(np.asarray(angles) == angle)[0][0]] = rate_r_mso[0]
                results_l_MSO[0, np.where(np.asarray(angles) == angle)[0][0]] = rate_l_mso[0]
                results_r_MSO[1, np.where(np.asarray(angles) == angle)[0][0]] = rate_r_mso[1]
                results_l_MSO[1, np.where(np.asarray(angles) == angle)[0][0]] = rate_l_mso[1]
                results_r_LSO[np.where(np.asarray(angles) == angle)[0][0]] = rate_r_lso
                results_l_LSO[np.where(np.asarray(angles) == angle)[0][0]] = rate_l_lso
            np.savetxt(folder_name + 'r_mso_results_tone_{}'.format(tone) + '_neuron_{}'.format(mso_neuron_id), results_r_MSO)
            np.savetxt(folder_name + 'l_mso_results_tone_{}'.format(tone) + '_neuron_{}'.format(mso_neuron_id), results_l_MSO)
        np.savetxt(folder_name + 'r_lso_results_tone_{}'.format(tone), results_r_LSO)
        np.savetxt(folder_name + 'l_lso_results_tone_{}'.format(tone), results_l_LSO)
end_time = time.time()
simulation_time = end_time - start_time

    np.savetxt(folder_name + 'simulation_time', [simulation_time]) #seconds
  0%|          | 0/4 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
  0%|          | 0/13 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
  8%|▊         | 1/13 [04:31<54:19, 271.66s/it]
 15%|█▌        | 2/13 [09:00<49:30, 270.01s/it]
 23%|██▎       | 3/13 [13:29<44:53, 269.38s/it]
 31%|███       | 4/13 [17:57<40:21, 269.05s/it]
 38%|███▊      | 5/13 [22:25<35:50, 268.75s/it]
 46%|████▌     | 6/13 [26:54<31:20, 268.64s/it]
 54%|█████▍    | 7/13 [31:22<26:50, 268.41s/it]
 62%|██████▏   | 8/13 [35:50<22:21, 268.23s/it]
 69%|██████▉   | 9/13 [40:18<17:52, 268.13s/it]
 77%|███████▋  | 10/13 [44:45<13:23, 267.87s/it]
 85%|████████▍ | 11/13 [49:12<08:55, 267.68s/it]
 92%|█████████▏| 12/13 [53:39<04:27, 267.47s/it]
100%|██████████| 13/13 [58:07<00:00, 268.24s/it]
 25%|██▌       | 1/4 [58:07<2:54:21, 3487.11s/it]
  0%|          | 0/13 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
  8%|▊         | 1/13 [04:27<53:28, 267.40s/it]
 15%|█▌        | 2/13 [08:55<49:05, 267.76s/it]
 23%|██▎       | 3/13 [13:22<44:32, 267.26s/it]
 31%|███       | 4/13 [17:48<40:01, 266.81s/it]
 38%|███▊      | 5/13 [22:14<35:31, 266.45s/it]
 46%|████▌     | 6/13 [26:39<31:03, 266.24s/it]
 54%|█████▍    | 7/13 [31:05<26:35, 265.96s/it]
 62%|██████▏   | 8/13 [35:30<22:08, 265.74s/it]
 69%|██████▉   | 9/13 [39:54<17:40, 265.06s/it]
 77%|███████▋  | 10/13 [44:17<13:13, 264.41s/it]
 85%|████████▍ | 11/13 [48:39<08:47, 263.96s/it]
 92%|█████████▏| 12/13 [53:02<04:23, 263.54s/it]
100%|██████████| 13/13 [57:24<00:00, 265.00s/it]
 50%|█████     | 2/4 [1:55:32<1:55:24, 3462.30s/it]
  0%|          | 0/13 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
  8%|▊         | 1/13 [04:22<52:30, 262.55s/it]
 15%|█▌        | 2/13 [08:45<48:09, 262.69s/it]
 23%|██▎       | 3/13 [13:07<43:46, 262.66s/it]
 31%|███       | 4/13 [17:31<39:27, 263.08s/it]
 38%|███▊      | 5/13 [21:54<35:04, 263.11s/it]
 46%|████▌     | 6/13 [26:17<30:41, 263.07s/it]
 54%|█████▍    | 7/13 [30:41<26:18, 263.10s/it]
 62%|██████▏   | 8/13 [35:04<21:56, 263.21s/it]
 69%|██████▉   | 9/13 [39:27<17:32, 263.17s/it]
 77%|███████▋  | 10/13 [43:51<13:09, 263.26s/it]
 85%|████████▍ | 11/13 [48:15<08:47, 263.57s/it]
 92%|█████████▏| 12/13 [52:38<04:23, 263.53s/it]
100%|██████████| 13/13 [57:03<00:00, 263.33s/it]
 75%|███████▌  | 3/4 [2:52:35<57:24, 3444.52s/it]  
  0%|          | 0/13 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
  8%|▊         | 1/13 [04:23<52:39, 263.29s/it]
 15%|█▌        | 2/13 [08:48<48:25, 264.10s/it]
 23%|██▎       | 3/13 [13:11<43:59, 263.95s/it]
 31%|███       | 4/13 [17:35<39:34, 263.85s/it]
 38%|███▊      | 5/13 [21:58<35:09, 263.75s/it]
 46%|████▌     | 6/13 [26:22<30:45, 263.66s/it]
 54%|█████▍    | 7/13 [30:45<26:21, 263.54s/it]
 62%|██████▏   | 8/13 [35:09<21:57, 263.49s/it]
 69%|██████▉   | 9/13 [39:32<17:34, 263.54s/it]
 77%|███████▋  | 10/13 [43:56<13:10, 263.51s/it]
 85%|████████▍ | 11/13 [48:20<08:47, 263.73s/it]
 92%|█████████▏| 12/13 [52:44<04:23, 263.68s/it]
100%|██████████| 13/13 [57:08<00:00, 263.69s/it]
100%|██████████| 4/4 [3:49:43<00:00, 3445.90s/it]


text_color = 'black' 
rcParams['text.color'] = text_color 
rcParams['axes.labelcolor'] = text_color 
rcParams['xtick.color'] = text_color 
rcParams['ytick.color'] = text_color 
plt.rc('font', size=12)          # controls default text sizes 
plt.rc('axes', titlesize=16)     # fontsize of the axes title 
plt.rc('axes', labelsize=12)    # fontsize of the x and y labels 
plt.rc('xtick', labelsize=12)    # fontsize of the tick labels 
plt.rc('ytick', labelsize=12)    # fontsize of the tick labels 
plt.rc('legend', fontsize=12)    # legend fontsize 
plt.rc('figure', titlesize=16)  # fontsize of the figure title

colors_l = ["magenta", 'crimson', "darkviolet", 'purple']
colors_r = ["green", 'darkgreen', 'forestgreen', "limegreen"]
for tone in tones:

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(15,5))
    path_r = folder_name + 'r_lso_results_tone_{}'.format(tone)
    path_l = folder_name + 'l_lso_results_tone_{}'.format(tone)
    ax[1].set_title("Right LSO")
    ax[0].set_title("Left LSO")

    ax[1].plot(angles,np.loadtxt(path_r), 'go-')

    for i in range(len(angles)):
        ax[0].axvline(angles[i], linewidth = 0.2, color = 'grey')
        ax[1].axvline(angles[i], linewidth = 0.2, color = 'grey')

    ax[0].set_xlabel("Angles [°]")
    ax[0].set_ylabel("Mean Firing Rate [Hz]")

    ax[1].set_xlabel("Angles [°]")

<Figure size 1500x500 with 2 Axes>
for tone in tones:

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(15,5))

    for mso_neuron_id in mso_neurons:

        path_r = folder_name + 'r_mso_results_tone_{}'.format(tone) + '_neuron_{}'.format(mso_neuron_id)
        path_l = folder_name + 'l_mso_results_tone_{}'.format(tone) + '_neuron_{}'.format(mso_neuron_id)

        ax[1].set_title("Right MSO")
        ax[0].set_title("Left MSO")

        ax[1].plot(angles,np.loadtxt(path_r)[1], 'o-', color = colors_r[mso_neurons.index(mso_neuron_id)], label = "Neuron {}".format(mso_neuron_id))
        ax[0].plot(angles,np.loadtxt(path_l)[1],'o-', color = colors_l[mso_neurons.index(mso_neuron_id)], label = "Neuron {}".format(mso_neuron_id)) 

        for i in range(len(angles)):
            ax[0].axvline(angles[i], linewidth = 0.2, color = 'grey')
            ax[1].axvline(angles[i], linewidth = 0.2, color = 'grey')

        ax[0].set_xlabel("Angles [°]")
        ax[0].set_ylabel("Mean Firing Rate [Hz]")
        ax[0].legend(loc = 'lower left')

        ax[1].set_xlabel("Angles [°]")
        ax[1].legend(loc = 'lower right')
<Figure size 1500x500 with 2 Axes>
for tone in tones:

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(15,10))
    ax[0, 0].set_ylabel("Mean Firing Rate [Hz]")
    ax[1, 0].set_ylabel("Mean Firing Rate [Hz]")
    for mso_neuron_id in mso_neurons:

        path_l = folder_name + 'l_mso_results_tone_{}'.format(tone) + '_neuron_{}'.format(mso_neuron_id)
        fig.suptitle("Left MSO")

        ax[int(mso_neurons.index(mso_neuron_id)/2), mso_neurons.index(mso_neuron_id)%2].plot(angles,np.loadtxt(path_l)[0],"ro-", label = "Blocked Inhibition")
        ax[int(mso_neurons.index(mso_neuron_id)/2), mso_neurons.index(mso_neuron_id)%2].plot(angles,np.loadtxt(path_l)[1],"bo-", label = "Control")

        ax[int(mso_neurons.index(mso_neuron_id)/2), mso_neurons.index(mso_neuron_id)%2].set_title("Neuron {}".format(mso_neuron_id))
        for i in range(len(angles)):
            ax[int(mso_neurons.index(mso_neuron_id)/2), mso_neurons.index(mso_neuron_id)%2].axvline(angles[i], linewidth = 0.2, color = 'grey')
            ax[int(mso_neurons.index(mso_neuron_id)/2), mso_neurons.index(mso_neuron_id)%2].axvline(angles[i], linewidth = 0.2, color = 'grey')

        ax[int(mso_neurons.index(mso_neuron_id)/2), mso_neurons.index(mso_neuron_id)%2].set_xlabel("Angles [°]")
        ax[int(mso_neurons.index(mso_neuron_id)/2), mso_neurons.index(mso_neuron_id)%2].set_xticks(angles)
        ax[int(mso_neurons.index(mso_neuron_id)/2), mso_neurons.index(mso_neuron_id)%2].legend()
        ax[int(mso_neurons.index(mso_neuron_id)/2), mso_neurons.index(mso_neuron_id)%2].spines['top'].set_visible(False) 
        ax[int(mso_neurons.index(mso_neuron_id)/2), mso_neurons.index(mso_neuron_id)%2].spines['right'].set_visible(False)
<Figure size 1500x1000 with 4 Axes>